WOD 09/25/2021
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
–25 Jumping Jacks
–5 Inchworm + Wormy Push Ups
–20 Kneeling Shoulder Taps
–6 Hop Up
–8 Air Squats
–10 Reverse Banded Pull Apart
–8 PVC Cuban Press
–8 Kipping Ring Rows
–:20 Dead Hang
Bar Muscle Up Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–8 Kip Swing
–3 Kip Swing + 1 Kipping Pull Up (2x)
–5×1 Kipping Hip to Bar
Wall Ball Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–Set up fingertips away from the wall.
–5 Med Ball Thrusters
–All at once; 2 low wall balls, 2 normal wall balls, 2 high wall balls
Strength Conditioning
Bench Press (6×3 TOTAL sets, including warm up sets )
Work up to a moderate heavy 3 rep bench press
TIME CAP 12:00
Metcon (No Measure)
Partner WOD
AMRAP 18:00
You go, I go!
9 Wall Balls (20/14)
6 Devils Press (35/25’s)
3 Bar Muscle Ups