Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Kabul 13 (Time)
2021m Row
13 rounds
8 Snatches 115/85
26 Sit-Ups
This Hero wod is in honor of the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021.
13 U.S. Service Members killed in Afghanistan:
U.S. Marine, Sgt Johanny Rosario (25)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Hunter Lopez (22)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Kareem Nikoui (22)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Rylee McCollum (20)
U.S. Marine, LCpl Jared Schmitz (20)
U.S. Marine, LCpl David Lee Espinoza (20)
U.S. Navy, Maxton Soviak (20)
U.S. Marine, SSgt Taylor Hoover (31)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Daegan Page (23)
U.S. Army, Ryan Knauss (23)
U.S. Marine, Cpl Humberto Sanchez (22)
U.S. Marine, Sgt Nicole Gee (23)
U.S. Marine, Ricky Thompson (21)
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike/Row :90 sec
Dynamic Warm Up 1x:
–10ea Lying Leg Swing
–5ea Lying Leg Crossover
–5 Roll Over V Sit
–5ea Spiderman
–5ea Kneeling Shoulder Taps
Bike/Row :90 sec
General Snatch Barbell Warm Up 1x:
–10 Snatch Deadlift
–5 Hang Muscle Snatch
–5 Snatch Push Press