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Call Us: 970-819-0243

WOD 07/09/2021

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Warming and Range of Motion;

AMRAP 10:00

:30 Bike or Ski (alternate)

10 Plank to Down Dog

10 PVC Pass Through

10 Cat+Rockback/Cow+Rockback

15 Ostrich

10 Scorpion

10 Wrist Pulses (fingers back towards you)

*move quickly through this and get sweaty


10 Banded Pull Aparts

10 Banded Strict Press

10 OH Scap Wrap


Movement Prep;

8 Snatch Grip Deadlift (pausing in the set up with focus on hips under shoulders and flat back for :03 on coaches count, then stand tall)

6 Snatch Grip Shrug (moving slow up the leg through positions then explode)

6 Snatch Grip High Pulls (speeding up and moving fast through positions)

10 PVC High Pull Turnover Drops

3 Power Snatch with Slow Pull

3 Power Snatch with Fast Pull



Metcon (No Measure)

“Randy” with a twist;

Teams of 3;


225 Power Snatches (75/55)

P1: Accumulate Snatches

P2: Accumulate Bike Calories

P3: Rest

Target Bike Calories:

Men; 185

Women; 150

*any calories NOT REACHED at the end of the workout will be a team burpee penalty

*switch as desired, 20:00 CAP
Weight should be LIGHT today. You should be able to cycle 8-12 reps unbroken even when fatigured. The point of the bike penalty is to NOT sandbag while you’re on the bike. Enjoy your rest and then send it on the snatches and bike. Today’s focus will be a solid set up position while cycling the barbell.